Tuesdays, 3pm
The Aspaklaria
אספקלריא – As-pak-laria
(Noun) [Talmudic – etym. Greek/Hebrew/Aramaic]
- Window glass
- Prism
- Magnifying lens
- Mirror
- {Metaphorical} Prophetic vision
However one translates it, an Aspaklaria is a tool for seeing differently: Dispelling darkness, diffracting light, bringing ourselves and our world (and beyond our world) into clear focus.
For more than 3000 years, Jewish sages have drawn on Jewish wisdom to debate, dissect and illuminate every facet of life. Join Rabbi Mordechai Guth and his expert guests every Tuesday at 3pm as they take a fresh look at history, philosophy, psychology and the burning issues of today through the Aspaklaria of the Torah, Talmud, Kabbalah and Chassidut.
Rabbi Mordechai Guth taught for many years at the Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, where he founded the Post High School Program in 2015. He moved to Melbourne together with his family in 2019, continuing to work in furthering Jewish education. He is the founder of the Aspaklaria Institute. This program is his first foray into broadcasting.