
Fridays 10am, replay Tuesdays noon.

Fun-filled frivolity and frippery and serious Jewish community issues every Friday with MGM Productions (Gary, Max “Mendel” and Morris).

The Hosts

Gary Mallin is a journalist, writer and odd-jobs man and has worked in the Australian media for some 50 years. He presents segments such as: On This Day in Judaism, On This Day, Jokes of the Week, Middle East issues, The World According to Morris (TWATM), the occasional guest and a little Yiddish.

Morris Mond was born in 1951 in Melbourne to Polish immigrants and was brought up in a traditional Jewish home where his upbringing was based on a firm love of his Yiddish roots. As a baal koreh and baal tefilah with a deep learning and understanding of his Hebraic heritage, he is proud to present segments based on Torah and the Jewish/Israel world.

Max Lasky is a staunch supporter of several local Jewish organisations including C Care, the historic Ballarat synagogue and J-AIR. Each week on TenKradius, he presents diverse segments such as Around the Shtetl and the Shuls, Jewish History on This Day, Parsha of the Week and Yiddish Vort of the Week. 

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